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In Honor of Davinci, who passed over the rainbow bridge on 7/13/23, we will continue to run his page.


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Dog Subscripion Boxes

The Best Dog Subscription Boxes


Dog subscription boxes are a great way to treat your furry friend to a variety of toys, treats, and other goodies on a regular basis. Here are some of the best dog subscription boxes in various categories, along with their website links:


Best Overall: BarkBox

Description: BarkBox is one of the most popular dog subscription boxes and is loved by both dogs and their owners. Each month, you'll receive a themed box with high-quality toys, treats, and chews, all tailored to your dog's size and preferences.

Website: BarkBox

Best Budget: Pet Treater

Description: Pet Treater offers an affordable subscription box that includes a variety of treats, toys, and other dog-related items. They also offer customization options to suit your dog's size and needs.

Website: Pet Treater

Best for Customizable: BoxDog

Description: BoxDog is a subscription box for dogs with handmade treats, vegan skincare and your choice of toys, gear and gadgets. We feature exclusive and original items for members that you can’t find in stores, including our handmade treats, blankets, beds, toys, clothing and more. Monthly and quarterly plans available.

Website: BoxDog

Best for Toys: Pet Treater Dog Box

Description: This subscription box service is designed to provide dogs and their owners with a delightful monthly surprise, filled with a handpicked selection of high-quality toys that will keep your pup entertained for hours.

Website: Pet Treater

Best for Chewers: Bullymake

Description: Bullymake specializes in creating tough and durable toys and treats for power chewers. Their boxes include sturdy toys and all-natural treats that are designed to withstand heavy chewing.

Website: Bullymake

Best Dog Food: The Farmer's Dog

Description: The Farmer's Dog is a subscription service that delivers fresh, human-grade dog food tailored to your dog's specific dietary needs. Meals are prepared with real ingredients and delivered to your doorstep.

Website: The Farmer's Dog

Best for a Good Cause: RescueBox

Description: RescueBox is not only a delightful subscription box for your pup but also supports a good cause. Each box you purchase helps feed and care for shelter animals. It includes treats and toys for your dog and is a great way to give back.

Website: RescueBox

Dog Sniff

Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff During Walks—A Lot!


Taking your dog for a walk is an essential part of their daily routine and provides numerous benefits, both for their physical health and emotional well-being. While many dog owners focus on the physical exercise aspect of walks, there's another vital element that often gets overlooked - letting your dog sniff to their heart's content. In this article, we'll explore why you should allow your furry companion to indulge in their olfactory adventures and how to plan a perfect "sniff walk."


Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff


Dogs perceive the world through their noses, and their sense of smell is incredibly sophisticated, even compared to our own. While humans primarily rely on their vision to understand the world around them, dogs use their sense of smell as their primary source of information. Allowing your dog to sniff during walks is like giving them access to a treasure trove of information, enriching their lives in several ways.


Mental Stimulation: Sniffing engages your dog's brain in a unique and stimulating way. It's like solving a puzzle for them, as they decipher the countless scents that linger in the environment. This mental exercise can be as tiring as a physical workout.


Reduces Anxiety: For many dogs, taking a leisurely sniff walk can help alleviate anxiety. The comforting and familiar scents in your neighborhood can have a calming effect on your four-legged friend, reducing stress levels.


Bonding Experience: Going on a sniff walk allows you to share an activity with your dog, which helps strengthen the bond between you. Your dog will appreciate the quality time you spend together and associate walks with a positive experience.


Emotional Fulfillment: Dogs experience emotional fulfillment when they're allowed to follow their natural instincts. Letting them sniff and explore their surroundings makes them happier and more content.


How Dogs Sniff


To understand why you should let your dog sniff during walks, it's essential to grasp how dogs actually process scents. Dogs have a highly developed olfactory system, consisting of approximately 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses (compared to our measly 5-6 million). This remarkable sense of smell allows them to detect and differentiate between countless odors, even in minute quantities.


Dogs also have a special structure in their noses called the Jacobson's organ, or the vomeronasal organ. This organ allows them to detect pheromones, which are chemical signals that convey important information to them about other animals, objects, or even humans.


When your dog sniffs, they are essentially collecting information about the world around them. It's like reading the daily news for them, with each scent revealing a story about who passed by, what they did, and how long ago it happened.


Planning a Sniff Walk


Now that you understand the importance of letting your dog sniff during walks, it's time to plan a "sniff walk." Here are some tips to get you started:


Choose the Right Location: Opt for a safe and quiet area where your dog can explore without distractions or dangers. Parks, nature trails, or quiet neighborhoods are excellent choices.


Use a Long Leash: A long leash (10-15 feet) allows your dog more freedom to roam and investigate. Ensure that the leash is secure, and always maintain control over your dog's movements.


Be Patient: During a sniff walk, your dog sets the pace. Allow them to stop and smell as long as they want. Be patient and resist the urge to rush them.


Encourage Exploration: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they follow their nose. Positive reinforcement will make the experience even more enjoyable for them.


Ideal Time for Sniffing


The ideal time for a sniff walk can vary depending on your dog's energy level and the weather. Early morning or late evening walks are often more relaxed, as the temperatures are cooler, and the environment is quieter. However, some dogs may enjoy a sniff walk at any time of the day.


In conclusion, letting your dog sniff during walks is a wonderful way to enrich their lives and provide them with mental and emotional stimulation. It's a small change in your routine that can have a big impact on your furry friend's well-being. So, the next time you head out for a walk, let your dog follow their nose, and watch them explore the world in a whole new way.

8 Commns Dangers

8 Common Dangers To Watch Out For When Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is a wonderful way to bond with your furry companion, get some exercise, and explore the great outdoors. However, it's essential to be aware of potential dangers that can pose risks to your dog's health and safety during your walks. In this article, we'll explore eight common dangers you should watch out for when walking your dog and learn how to keep your four-legged friend safe

1. Litter and Garbage
One of the most prevalent hazards during dog walks is litter and garbage scattered along the sidewalks and trails. Dogs are naturally curious creatures and may pick up and ingest discarded food items, plastic, or other harmful debris. To prevent this, keep a watchful eye on your dog and train them to "leave it" when they try to pick up something off the ground. Consider carrying dog-safe treats to reward their obedience.

2. Eating Other Dog Poop
While it might be a common behavior among dogs, eating other dog's feces can lead to health problems. It can expose your dog to parasites, bacteria, and diseases. To avoid this, keep your dog on a leash and teach them the "leave it" command to discourage this unsanitary habit.

3. Weather
Extreme weather conditions can pose risks to your dog during walks. In hot weather, dogs can suffer from heatstroke, paw pad burns from hot pavement, and dehydration. In cold weather, they can experience frostbite and hypothermia. Always check the weather forecast and plan your walks accordingly. During hot weather, opt for early morning or late evening walks, and in cold weather, ensure your dog is adequately protected with appropriate gear like a coat and booties.

4. Puddles, Ponds, and Creeks
Many dogs love to splash in puddles or swim in ponds and creeks, but these seemingly harmless water sources can hide dangers. Stagnant water may contain harmful bacteria, algae, or parasites that can make your dog sick. Fast-moving water in creeks can be treacherous, posing a drowning risk. Always keep a close watch on your dog near water sources and avoid letting them drink from unknown puddles or ponds.

5. Pesticides and Rodenticides
Chemical treatments used in gardens, parks, or on sidewalks can be toxic to dogs if ingested or absorbed through their skin. Keep your dog away from treated areas, and be cautious about what they might pick up with their paws. If you suspect your dog has come into contact with pesticides or rodenticides, seek immediate veterinary attention.

6. Wild Animals
Encounters with wildlife can turn dangerous quickly. Small mammals, like squirrels or raccoons, can carry diseases that can be transmitted to dogs through bites or scratches. Larger animals, such as deer or coyotes, can pose a physical threat. Keep your dog leashed in areas known for wildlife activity and steer clear of any animals you encounter.

7. Unleashed Animals
Not all dogs are friendly, and encounters with off-leash dogs can be unpredictable. Even if your dog is well-behaved, an aggressive or fearful dog can provoke a dangerous situation. Always have your dog on a leash unless you're in a designated off-leash area and ensure that they are socialized to interact safely with other dogs.

8. Toxic Plants
Certain plants and flowers commonly found in parks and gardens can be toxic to dogs if ingested. Examples include azaleas, oleanders, and lilies. Familiarize yourself with common toxic plants in your area and keep your dog away from them during walks.

Walking your dog should be an enjoyable and safe activity for both you and your furry friend. By being aware of these common dangers and taking preventive measures, you can ensure that your dog's outdoor adventures are filled with fun and free from harm. Always stay vigilant, train your dog with essential commands, and prioritize their safety to make each walk a pleasant and memorable experience.

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